Superfluous Yet Delicious

We Cook. We Eat. We laugh a lot.

Archive for the tag “winging it”


Carl invented these after I complained of there not being enough crispy foods in our mostly-paleo life.


Some prosciutto, deli-sliced. We like buying the giant box at BJs

A cast-iron skillet



Preheat a cast-iron skillet on low heat for about 5 minutes.


Take pile of prosciutto, deli paper still on.


Lay 2-3 pieces down, paper on in the hot skillet.


Wait until the paper starts peeling up by itself, approximately 30-45 seconds.


Peel the paper off


Walk away.


No, really, leave it alone.


Tap your feet. Stare at it. Resist the urge.


When it is finally super brown and completely crispy, then you may transfer it to a paper towel to dry and cool. (Note Carl cooks them on both sides, Nicole is not so patient)



We like crumbling them up and serving them in soup or on salad, but you can also eat them as a (very) salty snack.

Strawberry Rhubarb Tarts


The fruit share this week was a pint of strawberries and a pound of rhubarb. I realized that I had never actually had rhubarb, much less cooked with it, and C doesn’t really like sweets, so I was on my own.

Cue the Lazywebs!

I asked my friends on facebook what a gluten/grainfree person could do with strawberries and rhubarb that was not pie.

I got a bunch of suggestions for compotes, shakes, crisps, etc.

One friend posted the following recipe, which I took as a basis for winging it:

I didn’t have any regular sugar in the house, but I did have brown sugar, so I used the smaller amount of sugar, a little extra water, and started boiling my rhubarb.

I followed the recipe to the end, when I decided that I wanted these to be a little more solid than sauce. So I threw in a packet of knox gelatine, poured them off into cupcake cups, and threw them into the fridge.

They are incredibly bright-tasting, very good, and came out in a slightly more solid than pudding texture. I froze about half of them to use later, and had one for desert last night. I think I will take them as part of my school lunch for the next week.


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